Thursday, December 10, 2009


Greetings to all of you,

The Association is in receipt of the notice of the Ministry regarding the meeting of the Departmental anomaly committee scheduled on 11th January, 2010, under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Revenue) in North Block, New Delhi. The meeting has been convened to discuss the demands/anomalies that have been placed by various associations before the anomaly committee consequent to implementation of the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission.

One of the major demand the Association has made before the committee is for grant of Grade pay of Rs.4,800/- to the grade of Administrative Officer and Rs.4,600/- to the grade of DOS. Copy of the agenda/report showing demands and the analysis of these demands by the department/Ministry can be had from the undersigned on request at

Time and again requests for upgradation of the pay scale of the grade of DOS and AO on par with Inspectors and superintendents respectively had been placed before the Ministry. Unfortunately, the request did not yield the desired result. This position continues even today. While analyzing the demand for grade pay of Rs.4,600/- the department has indicated that
From time to time the Association has been demanding pay parity with Inspectors etc. This demand does not come within the definition of anomaly under recommendations of the 6th CPC”.
However, in the action to be taken column, it has been mentioned that
“The demand of the Association for pay parity with Inspectors of central excise has been raised by the Association. This can be considered separately by the CBEC.”

Here is a golden opportunity before all those who are concerned over the cadre, to put the best foot forward and make the demands more realistic with detailed justifications. The association intends to meet this demand by formulating a three point strategy. Firstly the existence of the posts of AOs and DOSs has to be justified based on the ratio of the subordinate officers whom they have to supervise. It has to be proved that the neither the posts of AOs and DOSs are on par with each other nor the merger of DOSs and STAs is feasible. Moreover, since the Department is becoming more or less Audit related, it would be a right step in reviving the post of Examiner in Audit Branch who can lead a team for revenue collection, thereby providing opportunities to those who have been deprived of getting into the Executive cadre owing to lesser height, age bar etc.etc. Secondly, the pay commission had in its recommendation indicated that the ministerial cadre cannot claim parity with the executive Officers. However, it has recommended parity with the counterparts of the Headquarters organization. This has to be the second point of strategy. Towards this we need to justify the nature of duties and responsibilites of the AOs and DOSs with that of the Section Officers and Assistants in the Central Secretariat Services, and simultaneously put in efforts to search for compile and forward the various pay upgradation orders issued by the Department of Expenditure in this regard. The third strategy is to compare these two posts with that of similarly situated posts in the other Central Government Departments i.e. Department of Posts/Telecom, Accounts and Audit department and the Ministry of Railways, where the similar posts have been granted upgradation.

Therefore, it is requested that all the members may kindly make sincere efforts to obtain documents in support of the above strategies. Copy of court orders or any other instructions of the Ministry may also be forwarded. All such suggestions, proposals may be mailed to the undersigned on or before 31st December, 2009, so that the same could be analysed and a detailed presentation with justifications can be placed before the anomaly committee.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
(Thomas Mony)
Secretary General