Friday, December 12, 2008


Dear friends,

Warm Greetings to all of you during this special season : Winter when we all can be relaxed and enjoy the weather alongwith good food, warm clothing and finally a good sound sleep to rejuvenate us.

The Federation is in receipt of an invitation from the Hon'ble Chief Commissioner, Hyderabad zone, who happens to be the Chairman of Study Group I constituted by the Board for Cadre Restructuring and reorganization of field formations under CBEC.

My mail would definitely be found interesting by one and all who receives it for this is the only cadre/Federation for which the previous Cadre Restructuring issues/complications has not yet been settled and the Board is embarking on a new project for the welfare of its employees. Being given the responsibility, as a Secretary General of the All India Federation, I wish to share that it has been the vigilant act of our President and Organizing Secretary owing to which we are being summoned for this preliminary/final discussion which is about to be held on the 22nd of Dec'08 at New Delhi. Many of us who get this information first hand would be curious to attend meetings and discussions, whereas my opinion would be slightly different one, which you may kindly note.

This is a Federation which is taking into consideration staff welfare issues/grievances of various cadres right from the LDC to A.O (not to forget the CAO grade for which too we have to always plead with the Board for conduction of timely DPCs. In this matter may I invite your kind attention to the various correspondences made by the Ad.II A section to all the Cadre Controlling Authorities for early submission of CCR folders of the eligible Admn. Officers. Many zones are lethargic in sending these folders owing to which the DPC gets delayed badly. As active members of the local Association/Federation I urge upon each one of you to follow up this matter in your jurisdiction and confirm to the Federation by return mail/telephone that the CCR folders of the Admn. Officers sought for by the Board is sent. I once again repeat ….. kindly confirm the sending of CCR folders to the Board as this DPC also reduces the stagnation in the Ministerial Cadre). Allegations are many, that the Federation always takes care of the officers who are likely to get promoted as Inspector and the requirements/aspirations of the mainstream employees are neglected, be it pay matters or promotions etc. Kindly be a part of a responsible organization and let us come together to do this little bit for an early conduction of CAO DPC.

Coming back to the issue involved, during the previous Cadre Restructuring of 2001, I recollect the meeting in C.R.Bldg., which was held on 17.07.2001 in which as a Common General Secretary I had personally requested the then Secretary General not to tender any "NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" to the Board till all the Units do not agree for the same.. However, we all were taken unawares when a NOC was given during Jan'02 without taking all the elected/nominated representatives of various Units into consideration. I endorse this experience of mine so that "HISTORY DOES NOT REPEAT".

The Federation (The President, Organizing Secretary and the Secretary General) are willing to take the additional burden on themselves in proceeding with this Cadre Restructuring issue, since we are willing to share responsibilities and its our bounden duty as Portfolio holders of the All India platform to perform to the maximum, I welcome one and all, whether portfolio holders or otherwise, to come ahead and assist the Federation in sharing your dreams and making it come true.

I have scanned the proposal received, and am endorsing the same to each one of you with a hope that you will circulate/inform the same among/to your colleagues right from the Lower Division Clerk sitting in the Inward/Despatch table till the Chief Accounts Officer sharing a cabin in your esteemed office and take opinions from anyone and everyone who can really share reasonable and valuable inputs which can be a part of our proposal.

As a Secretary General, I accept and admit that it is extremely depressing and agonizing that the senior Ministerial officers in our Cadre are really languishing in the cadres of DOS and AO with not much monetary benefits and promotional prospects in hand. Group discussions with officers of these cadres would mean a lot and some important information as well as inputs for the proposal can be received.

My opinion is that :-

1. DOS posts should be abolished. It should be upgraded to A.O/Examiner post and the three tier system in Income Tax Deptt. Of A.O. Grade-I/II/III be introduced in this Department. However, this would result in stagnation if matching saving is to be done from our cadre. The services of the Examiners can be utilized in each and every Audit party which is existent in your Commissionerate. This would enable the Ministerial officers deprived of joining the Inspector grade to perform technical nature of work and a change in work profile would bring in some amount of positive energy in itself.

2. Senior Tax Assistants posts should be increased and they should be given postings in Range offices too, to perform technical nature of work, which would in turn be useful after getting promoted as Inspector. This would increase the promotional prospects of Tax Assistants too and the Deptt would not loose much as the TA's are direct recruit Graduates with Computer knowledge.

3. Do give me feedback about compassionate appointment and ICT too. These are my personal opinion and much more to share but awaiting for inputs. Kindly send your valuable inputs/suggestions to the Secretary General directly or through the President and Organizing Secretary, so as to reach me by the 17th of this month for proper compilation and for an effective follow-up on the same.

A sincere request : Please do not be lethargic, gear up, activate yourself, boost the morale of your colleagues and forward the inputs in time so that the Federation can do some value addition for the benefit of one and all and for the future generation too. Need there be any need to speak to me, I am always available on 09881139080.

The Federation is heading ahead with its recognition matter which would be pursued during our present visit to Delhi i.e. on 22.12.2008. Being Christmas eve, visit to Delhi will be halfheartedly, but if valuable inputs are seen in my inbox, it would enable us to proceed ahead with a beautiful agenda towards achieving out goals which ought to be set properly.

Anyone willing to come to Delhi is also welcome but suggestions/opinions should reach us by the 17th of this month positively.

Thanks and regards.

Thomas Mony, Secretary General.